David I. Crabtree

David I. Crabtree

Instructional Assistant

Dept. of Political Science, UChicago

Data Manager

American Bar Foundation

Comparative Politics &
Quantitative Methods

I am an Instructional Assistant in the Department of Political Science at the University of Chicago. I advise undergraduate honors students on their thesis research and provide academic support to students in a variety of courses in the political science department.

I am a data manager for Professor Tom Ginsburg’s Legal Characteristics of International Organizations project at the American Bar Foundation. The project, funded by the National Science Foundation, systematically collects charters for international organizations and records how their legal characteristics and country membership change over time. I manage a team of RAs, clean incoming data, and prepare weekly reports on the project’s progress.

I am interested in the temporal sequence of democratic backsliding, the role of legal institutions like term limits in constraining autocratization, and data analysis in R. My thesis examined which democratic institutions were frequently undermined early and late in declining presidential democracies with term limits. Merging a new dataset of term limit evaders with existing indicators of democratic decline, my thesis considered how term limits, by placing a ticking clock on time in office, might incentivize would-be autocrats to dismantle some democratic institutions before others. An ongoing project theorizes the effectiveness of unamendability as a protection for term limit provisions.

Before UChicago, I studied the role of the COVID-19 pandemic on American perceptions of welfare using survey experiments.

Download my CV.

  • Chronological order of democratic backsliding
  • Evasion of presidential term limits
  • Democratic erosion in Latin America
  • Statistical computing in R
  • Quantitative methods
  • MA, Social Sciences, Politics Concentration, 2023

    University of Chicago

  • BA, Political Science, 2022

    East Tennessee State University

  • BA, International Affairs, 2022

    East Tennessee State University
